Be your best

Physically, and mentally.

Self analyses your physical, mental and digital health data so you finally have a complete view of your wellbeing.

Discover insights, set goals, track your journey, and get expert support – all in one place.

Elevate your wellbeing like never before.


Personalised, real-time insights into your physical, mental and digital health. Track biometrics, psychometrics and device usage all in one place.


Tailored action plans with physical activity goals, mental health exercises, and device usage controls to help you thrive.


Access the country’s leading medical and therapeutic professionals for expert support when you need it.

Free self-care

Track your wellbeing using real-time insights and action plans - free.

Only pay for specialist support (eg. Physios, Doctors, Psychologists).

Action Plan Partnerships

We partner with the best apps in health and wellness. Through these partnerships, we earn revenue for every person we refer to a partner app, helping us keep Self free for you while only endorsing the best, expert approved apps.

Will Self still be able to track my actions if I’m using other apps to do them? 

Yes! We integrate with Apple HealthKit, Google Health Connect, and device usage systems.

Any actions taken in partner apps or within Self are logged in Apple Health/Google Health Connected, picked up by Self's analytics engine, and reflected in your insights and progress in real-time.

Our story

If suicide is triggering for you please skip this section.

Hi, I'm Dev. Founder of Self.

In 2019, I found myself at a crossroads. On a ledge in the old BT head office in London, I faced a life-changing decision: take a step forward and end my journey, or step back and find a way to continue.

I was at my lowest point, both physically and mentally. Multiple personal experiences had taken their toll but I didn’t understand what was going on. I felt trapped.

I chose to step back.

That marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. It wasn’t easy but thanks to an amazing support network, professional help, and a lot of self-reflection, I started to rebuild.

My journey is far from over, but I hope by sharing my story and building something for people like me who need a little help, others won’t need to face the same decision I did.

“Self” is born from my personal journey and shaped by my professional experience across data, software development, business operations, and strategy.

I’m excited for others to join me in this journey of feeling their best selves again.

Our Values

Core beliefs that drive our mission


We believe in empowering users with knowledge, tools and pathways to take control of their health and wellbeing.

Comprehensive Health

We promote a balanced approach to wellbeing, integrating physical, mental, and digital health.


We provide tailored insights and recommendations that cater to individual needs and goals.


We prioritise user privacy and data security, ensuring transparency and ethical use of data.

Crisis Helplines

Need to speak to someone? Speak with or access one of the organisations below.

Call: 116 123



Call: 95258


UK wide

Call: 0800 132 737


Wales only

Your Health Super App

Self analyses your physical, mental and digital health to give you a complete view of your wellbeing.

Discover insights, set goals, track your journey, and get expert support – all in one place.

Understand and improve your health better than ever before.

  • Insights

    Personalised, real-time insights into your physical, mental and digital health. Track biometrics, psychometrics and device usage all in one place.

  • Action

    Tailored action plans with physical activity goals, mental health exercises, and device usage controls to help you thrive.

  • Care

    Access the country’s leading medical and therapeutic professionals for expert support when you need it.

Free self-care.

Track your wellbeing using real-time insights and action plans - free.

Only pay for specialist support (eg. Physios, Doctors, Psychologists).

Action Plan Partnerships

We partner with the best apps in health and wellness. Through these partnerships, we earn revenue for every person we refer to a partner app, helping us keep Self free for you while only suggesting expert endorsed apps.

Will Self still be able to see my actions if I’m using other apps to do them? 

Yes! We integrate with Apple HealthKit, Google Health Connect, and device usage systems.

Any actions taken in partner apps or within Self are logged in Apple Health/Google Health Connected, picked up by Self's analytics engine, and reflected in your insights and progress in real-time.

Our story

Hi! I’m Dev, Founder of Self.

If suicide is triggering for you please skip this section.

In 2019, I found myself at a crossroads.

On a ledge in the old BT head office in Bank, I faced a life-changing decision: take a step forward and end my journey, or step back and find a way to continue.

I was at my lowest point, both physically and mentally. Multiple personal experiences had taken their toll but I didn’t understand what was going on. I felt trapped.

I chose to step back.

That marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. It wasn’t easy but thanks to an amazing support network, professional help, and a lot of self-reflection, I started to rebuild.

My journey is far from over, but I hope by sharing my story and building something for people like me who need a little help, others won’t need to face the same decision I did.

“Self” is born from my personal journey and shaped by my professional experience in software development, business operations, and strategy.

I’m excited for others to join me in this journey of feeling their best selves again.

Our Values

Core beliefs that drive our mission


We believe in empowering users with knowledge , tools and pathways to take control of their health and wellbeing.

Comprehensive Health

We promote a balanced approach to wellbeing, integrating physical, mental, and digital health.


We provide tailored insights and recommendations that cater to individual needs and goals.


We prioritise user privacy and data security, ensuring transparency and ethical use of data.

Crisis helplines and resources

Need to speak to someone?

Speak with or access one of the organisations below.

Call: 116 123



Call: 95258


UK wide

Call: 0800 132 737


Wales only
